BERGER Susanna, The Art of Philosophy : Visual Thinking in Europe from the Late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2017, 352 p. Présentation de l'éditeur : Delving into the intersections between artistic images and philosophical knowledge in Europe from the late sixteenth to the early eighteenth centuries, The Art of Philosophy shows that the making and study of visual art functioned as important methods of philosophical thinking and instruction. Fr..
STONE Harriet, Crowning Glories : Netherlandish Realism and the French Imagination during the Reign ...
FULCO Daniel, Exuberant Apotheoses—Italian Frescoes in the Holy Roman Empire : Visual Culture and Pr...
SOLKIN David H., Art in Britain 1660–1815, Londres, Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, d...
BERGER Susanna, The Art of Philosophy : Visual Thinking in Europe from the Late Renaissance to the E...
SUTHOR Nicola, Bravura : Virtuosity and Ambition in Early Modern European Painting, Princeton, Princ...
FRIPP Jessica, Portraiture and Friendship in Enlightenment France, Newark, University of Delaware Pr...
MCTIGHE Sheila, Representing from Life in Seventeenth-century Italy, Amsterdam, Amsterdam university...
PAYNE Alina (dir.), Vision and Its Instruments Art, Science, and Technology in Early Modern Europe, ...
BERTUCCI Paola, Artisanal Enlightenment : Science and the Mechanical Arts in Old Regime France, New ...
ZOLLI Daniel (dirs.) et JACOBI Lauren (dirs.), Contamination and Purity in Early Modern Art and Arch...
FENLON Jane (dirs.), KENNY Ruth (dirs.), PEGUM Caroline (dirs.) et ROONEY Brendan (dirs.), Irish Fin...
RIBEIRO Aileen, Clothing Art : The Visual Culture of Fashion, 1600–1914, New Haven, Yale University ...
WESTSTEIJN Thijs, Art and Antiquity in the Netherlands and Britain. The Vernacular Arcadia of Franci...
SLOBODA Stacey (dirs.) et YONAN Michael Yonan (dirs.), Eighteenth-Century Art Worlds : Global and Lo...
LASSER Ethan W., The Philosophy Chamber : Art and Science in Harvard's Teaching Cabinet, 1766–1820, ...
STONE Harriet, Crowning Glories : Netherlandish Realism and the French Imagination during the Reign ...
FULCO Daniel, Exuberant Apotheoses—Italian Frescoes in the Holy Roman Empire : Visual Culture and Pr...
SOLKIN David H., Art in Britain 1660–1815, Londres, Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, d...
BERGER Susanna, The Art of Philosophy : Visual Thinking in Europe from the Late Renaissance to the E...
SUTHOR Nicola, Bravura : Virtuosity and Ambition in Early Modern European Painting, Princeton, Princ...
FRIPP Jessica, Portraiture and Friendship in Enlightenment France, Newark, University of Delaware Pr...
MCTIGHE Sheila, Representing from Life in Seventeenth-century Italy, Amsterdam, Amsterdam university...
PAYNE Alina (dir.), Vision and Its Instruments Art, Science, and Technology in Early Modern Europe, ...
BERTUCCI Paola, Artisanal Enlightenment : Science and the Mechanical Arts in Old Regime France, New ...
ZOLLI Daniel (dirs.) et JACOBI Lauren (dirs.), Contamination and Purity in Early Modern Art and Arch...
FENLON Jane (dirs.), KENNY Ruth (dirs.), PEGUM Caroline (dirs.) et ROONEY Brendan (dirs.), Irish Fin...
RIBEIRO Aileen, Clothing Art : The Visual Culture of Fashion, 1600–1914, New Haven, Yale University ...
WESTSTEIJN Thijs, Art and Antiquity in the Netherlands and Britain. The Vernacular Arcadia of Franci...
SLOBODA Stacey (dirs.) et YONAN Michael Yonan (dirs.), Eighteenth-Century Art Worlds : Global and Lo...
LASSER Ethan W., The Philosophy Chamber : Art and Science in Harvard's Teaching Cabinet, 1766–1820, ...
STONE Harriet, Crowning Glories : Netherlandish Realism and the French Imagination during the Reign ...
FULCO Daniel, Exuberant Apotheoses—Italian Frescoes in the Holy Roman Empire : Visual Culture and Pr...
SOLKIN David H., Art in Britain 1660–1815, Londres, Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, d...